Colostrum in Face Cream?! YES!!

June 7, 2016 –

When I first realized that the Cream I was about to be using contained cow’s colostrum, I was a bit thrown off. For one, I am dairy intolerant and didn’t want to break out in some nasty rash. I was also nervous about the smell of the products, not to mention the “ethical” side of it all and just the plain fact of putting Colostrum on my face.

Thankfully, the Cream’s website is very informative and helped to calm all of my angst – and I’m so glad to say it did, because I LOVE their products!

*For those worried about how the Cream will affect you if you have a dairy intolerance: an allergy to dairy is a digestion issue. Using colostrum cream on the skin has not been an issue for any of their dairy intolerant users (nor has it been an issue for me – and I am VERY sensitive to dairy). Also, colostrum is not milk and interfaces in and on the body very differently.

Furthermore, all the products are safe for both pregnant and breastfeeding Mommas. However, if you have any questions or concerns, please consult your physician.

As I mentioned, when I first realized that the Cream I was about to be using contained cow’s colostrum, I was a bit thrown off. For one, I am dairy intolerant and didn’t want to break out in some nasty rash. I was also nervous about the smell of the products, not to mention the “ethical” side of it all and just the plain fact of putting Colostrum on my face.

Thankfully, the Cream’s website is very informative and helped to calm all of my angst – and I’m so glad to say it did, because I LOVE their products!

First off, my skin has not only tolerated the products, but feels silkier and smoother than ever before (even though I have been using “natural” skin care products for quite some time now). It also smells great. There is a very faint “sweet” smell, but just like there is with most skin care and could essentially be called “scentless”. [It definitely doesn’t scream “from cows”.]

In regards to the ethical nature of using colostrum: Under New Zealand collection protocol, the newborn calf stays with it’s Mama for 24 hours and only after that is the surplus Colostrum collected for human consumption. Moreover, the Colostrum used is collected from healthy happy cows.  Colostrum is produced by all mammals at birth as a life giving gift of nature.  No animals are harmed or mistreated in the collection of this nutrient, and is therefore OK for both vegetarians and vegans to use. [However this is a very personal choice and may vary from one to the next.]

Again, having initially been so hesitant about this product, I can honestly say that I am now a true believer and am sure I will be a user for a long time to come!


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